Saturday, February 22, 2014

Freckle feature:February

I'm beyond excited to have my high school friend Jessica as my freckle feature for February. Personally, I loved her freckled face when I first saw it. I remember noticing her gorgeous freckles as a freshman, but being too shy to tell her how much I liked them. Jessica is one of five girls and the only one with freckles and red hair. So you can imagine her being the youngest and the most different looking, she thought something was wrong with her. She has a cousin with freckles and they would talk about when they got older they were going to get laser surgery to remove them. She is so happy to have outgrown that idea! Jessica's now husband was instantly attracted to her freckles and made her look at them completely different than she ever did before. He actually describes them in his book as, "this red headed, freckle face, was a beauty. Her freckles, which I so love, meant one thing, she didn't have to wear a drop of makeup to look beautiful..." And right he is! She throws on bronzer to give the "mirage" of a tan, but other than that, she lets her freckles shine makeup free. I love her constellation and so want to play connect the dots with them;) (she actually has a family friend who's final wishes was to do just that!) Thankfully he's still around, so maybe him and I can do it together! Aren't her freckles Flawsome? 

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