I'm so excited to have my gorgeous friend Mercedes as my freckle feature for the month of September. As you already know I absolutely LOVE freckles, and my goal is to illuminate these beautiful "flaws" that so many of us are blessed with. I truly adore Mercedes' freckle pattern, or her 'constellation' as I like to call it. It's different, unique, fun and playful-- just like her. Similar to a majority of us, she used to get picked on and ridiculed for her different looks, effectually causing her to hate certain things about herself as a result. However, she's realized that while changing her physical appearance is out of the question, it's a far better policy to accept herself and all her beauty. You can even feel this positive energy when when you're in her presence. Whenever I see Mercedes her exotic gorgeousness radiates! I'm so proud of who she is and the refined person she's becoming. Happy to be freckle sisters with this Flawsome young lady.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Flawsome of the month!
My personal flaw for this month is more of a personality trait and less of a physical attribute. Since I can remember I've always been pretty quiet and shy. I don't like to "make waves" or engage in any type of confrontation. I have trouble voicing my thoughts, my feelings. Even as a little girl I remember wanting to speak up, but not being able to muster up the courage to do so, even at great cost to myself. I had and sometimes still have this immense fear of hurting others feelings, even if I'm hurting. So, I "beat around the bush", swallow my words, and sometimes I literally cant find the words to express myself. I go blank, kind of a "stage fright" thing. Not that I don't KNOW what I want to say, or even HOW to say it. I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Being this way has not served me, or others for that matter. I'm working on changing this flaw I possess. Not everyone will agree with what I say and how I feel, but i'm realizing that's not the point! To me, in order to turn this flaw into one of my flawsomes, I have to own it and use it to be a better person. So, I've been speaking up as my girl Wendy Williams(friend in my head) says, "say it like you mean it"! You don't have to like it, but as long as you can hear me, I'm finding happiness in that. Say it loud and say it proud! Flawsome!
top-Forever21, jeans-Blank denim, shoes-Target(Mossimo)
Saturday, September 21, 2013
NYC Nights
During my recent trip to NYC I wore the perfect 'run around town, have dinner, hang out' outfit. My fun baseball top expresses my feelings for NYC days and nights when I'm gone. There's nothing like a comfortable pair of jeans, wedge sneakers, studs AND sparkles, all in the same outfit. I was also fortunate enough to attend Tyra Banks and Udo Spreitzenbarth photo exhibition. With hair, makeup and fashion, Tyra became 15 of the most famous models and Udo captured it. It's amazing to see her transformation into these iconic women. To add a little something something to the mix, they're all raw and unretouched! We know she's good, but to see her and these enormous still shots in person was unreal!! I loved it! Tai Tai loves Ty Ty!
I had a great time NYC and I miss your kiss...
top-Express, jeans-JamesJeans, sneakers-Ash
dress-frock!tracy reese, shoes-nine west, clutch-CCskye attached to Rebecca Minkoff cuff
I had a great time NYC and I miss your kiss...
top-Express, jeans-JamesJeans, sneakers-Ash
dress-frock!tracy reese, shoes-nine west, clutch-CCskye attached to Rebecca Minkoff cuff

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